So after having this disposable camera in my bag at all times for the past 4 months, it was interesting to see what photos I had snapped up. Some of the photos I came out with were nice to see, as they made me remember a few things that I had completely forgotten about. The first photo was from the day we scattered my grandmothers ashes. The whole family went on a boat trip and it was a really nice day to reflect on everything, such a beautiful send off to a beautiful lady. The second photo is from when I came to visit Ryan back in Cardiff over Summer, we went to this place called Cosmeston Lakes. It was so nice there and I definitely cannot wait to pay it a visit again next Summer. I just hope the scary animation of a priest in the medieval village section doesn't creep me out again! The third photo was from a trip to Bristol. It was one of my favourite days, and my disposable was a lucky little thing for being able to tag along. The photo is of these cute apartments that were pastel pink and gated off, which made them seem really precious. But the scruffy-ness of the surroundings completely juxtaposed how pretty they were, it actually looked beautiful. The final photograph is from this place called Bunkhouse in Cardiff. It is full of dainty little things, fairy lights, cider, oh and beds- so cosy!
I think I'm going to make it a rule from now on that everywhere I go over the next few years, a disposable camera will stay in my bag and come with me. Even if it is a trip to the corner shop, who knows what I will see!
(Click images to enlarge.)